Sunday 6 October 2024

Why Producing Long AdSense Videos is a Bad Idea: Stick to Short Videos for Better Results

Would you watch his advert if it was long?
In recent years, online video content has exploded in popularity, and monetisation through platforms like YouTube has become a viable income stream for many creators.

 AdSense, Google's advertising platform, offers a way to generate revenue from video content by placing ads. 

However, many creators make a critical mistake by focusing on producing long videos with the sole intention of inserting multiple ads. While it might seem that longer videos equal more ad revenue, this approach can be counterproductive. Here’s why producing long AdSense videos is a bad idea and why you should focus on short, engaging content instead.

1. Attention Span is Declining

Let’s face it: people’s attention spans are shrinking. Studies have shown that viewers are less likely to watch long videos, especially if the content doesn’t provide immediate value or becomes monotonous. If you create a lengthy video just to stuff it with ads, you risk losing viewers before they even get to those ads, thereby missing out on potential earnings. Shorter, punchy videos keep your audience engaged and eager to watch until the end, increasing the likelihood that they’ll sit through an ad.

 If I am watching a ten minute video on YouTube I would almost certainly not want it to be interrupted by an Adsense video that is over an hour in length, even though the subject matter of the advert might be worthy or interesting. And yes, there are people who make video adverts for YouTube that are over an hour in length.

2. Viewer Satisfaction and Retention

The user experience should be a top priority for any content creator. Bombarding viewers with too many ads or unnecessarily long content can result in frustration, leading them to click away or, worse, avoid your channel in the future. Short videos allow for minimal interruptions, which can keep viewers happier. A happy viewer is more likely to return to your channel, subscribe, and engage with future content, all of which contribute to long-term success.

3. Optimised for Mobile Viewing

A significant portion of YouTube’s audience watches videos on their smartphones. On mobile devices, shorter videos tend to perform better because they require less data and time investment. In contrast, long videos might deter mobile users due to buffering issues or the perception that they require too much time to consume. If your target audience is predominantly mobile, sticking to short, digestible videos will enhance the user experience and keep them coming back for more.

4. Ad Fatigue is Real

When viewers are exposed to too many ads in a single video, they can experience “ad fatigue,” which results in them skipping ads or, even worse, installing ad-blockers. By keeping your videos short and limiting the number of ads, you can avoid overwhelming your audience. A well-placed ad in a short video is more likely to capture attention than several ads spaced throughout a long one. This ensures that the ads served are actually seen and not skipped, maximising your AdSense revenue without annoying your viewers.

5. Algorithm Favouritism for Engagement

YouTube’s algorithm prioritises engagement, and this includes watch time and viewer retention. If your long video causes viewers to drop off halfway through, the algorithm may rank it lower in search results or recommendations. On the other hand, short, engaging videos with higher retention rates tend to perform better in search rankings and recommendations, attracting more views and potential revenue. Quality engagement from a short video can outperform a poorly watched long video.

6. Faster Production Turnaround

Short videos are quicker to produce, edit, and upload compared to their lengthy counterparts. By focusing on short, high-quality videos, you can release content more frequently. This not only keeps your audience engaged but also increases the number of monetised videos on your channel. Regular uploads can help you build a loyal following and boost your AdSense earnings in the long run, all while requiring less time and effort per video.

7. Better Targeting of Specific Topics

Short videos force you to focus on specific topics or ideas, which is highly beneficial for viewers who are looking for concise and valuable information. By narrowing down your content to a single topic, you can target your audience more effectively. When viewers know they can get the information they need quickly, they’re more likely to watch your entire video and click on ads that are relevant to the content.

Conclusion: Focus on Quality, Not Length

While the temptation to create long videos to maximise ad placements is understandable, it often backfires. Viewers are increasingly looking for content that is concise, informative, and entertaining.

 Short AdSense videos not only respect your audience’s time but also ensure better engagement, retention, and overall satisfaction. In the world of online content, quality trumps quantity every time, and sticking to shorter videos is a much more effective strategy for long-term success on platforms like YouTube.

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